Practice Reopening
Due to the easing of the COVID-19 restrictions, we are delighted that we will be able to see and treat pts that require an AGP (aerosol generating procedure; such as the drill/scaler etc) from the 20th July.
Despite this significant change, we are still only allowed to work under tight restrictions, which we will follow to ensure the safety of our patients and staff.
The most notable restriction at present is ‘down time’ between each AGP.
This will greatly reduce to number of patients we can see on a daily basis, and also mean that the dentists may be working on a rota basis.
Priority Patients
Therefore, as a result of this, priority will be given to those patients who had started treatment prior to COVID-19, but had appointments cancelled during ‘lockdown’.
Priority will also be given to patients who were seen as an emergency during the lockdown period.
A member of staff will endeavour to contact these priority patients in the coming weeks.
Unfortunately due to the significant back log of work, we are not in the position to book in routine check-up appointments at present.
Our aim at Maine Dental is to ensure our patients receive the best treatment in a safe and friendly environment. Therefore will we adhere to restrictions and adapt as and when they change.
We greatly appreciate your patience during this time, and look forward to getting back to normal in the near future!
The team at Maine Dental
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“I would hope that every patient feels they have received excellent care in a friendly and relaxing environment.”
Mark Connaughty Dental Surgeon